2025 Google Song Maker懶人包,推薦清單整理


Chrome Music Lab

Song Maker, the newest experiment in Chrome Music Lab, is a simple way for anyone to make and share a song. Built by Google Creative Lab, Yotam Mann, ...

Google Song Maker

Settings. marimba. Play. electronic. Save. I'm Feeling Lucky. Song Maker. Reset.

Melody Maker

Chrome Music Lab:Melody Maker. Grids like this one are a common interface for creating melodies. Time moves left to right and pitch goes up to down.

Song Maker

Song Maker, an experiment in Chrome Music Lab, is a simple way for anyone to make and share a song.

Chrome Music Lab

Check out the Song Maker experiment, which lets you make and share your own songs. Do I need to make an account? Nope. Just open any experiment and start ...

Song Maker - Music Mixer

Song Maker同時是音樂製作者,音樂混音器和音樂編輯器。您可以通過將音樂與我們提供的免費節拍混合併製作聲音來編輯自己的音樂或歌曲,例如淡入,淡出,從開始剪切歌曲,從 ...


1.開啟瀏覽器,搜尋:song maker. 點選:Song Maker - Chrome Music Lab 網頁連結至 ...


I Can't Stop Me - Twice on Chrome Music Lab - Song Maker. 軟體限制,最多16小節。歌曲需要分段製作。 JYP Entertainment. 28.8M subscribers.